Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pilgrimage and reflection

Sept 21, 2008 marks the 9th anniversary of LYMT Canada. Over two thousand people showed up in the morning to perform pilgrimage, a tradition passed down from monks making pilgrimage (三步一拜, taking three steps and then perform a prostration) to the four sacred Buddhism temples in China. There were 200+ volunteers committed to make this event possible. I was honored to take role in photographing the event. I also took the time to join the second tier of the pilgrimage, despite pain from my knees, I felt it was very rewarding experience, and time sure flies by quickly.

From LYMT pilgrimage

From LYMT pilgrimage

Ok, now I'm done copy and paste from Picasa album =) It's time for my own reflection in my beliefs. I suppose I will begin with my own history with the temple, over 12 years ago, my parents had the chance to encounter two 比丘尼 (nuns if you well) who hailed from Taiwan 靈巖山寺(LYMT) who seeks to establish a branch of the temple in Vancouver. Through varies 因緣 (cause & effect), my family has met with the founder of LYMT taiwan 妙蓮老和尚 (venerable master Miao Lian) and my father was appointed as the project manager for the first phase of LYMT Canada (大雄寶殿). The construction of the temple were made possible by donation many 居士 (those who study Buddhism but are not monk/nun) in Vancouver, especially my father's friend, who donated the land where the temple is located. As the temple approach completion on 1999, my father was told by 老和尚 to set the date of opening in September 21, 2 months ahead of the schedule. With that, I was "volunteered" to help in the construction of the temple in order to meet the new deadline (not the heavy duty works, but laying bricks, and tiles etc). So the temple were completed on time and I also were there to help on the opening ceremony where 老和尚 hosted. If any of you who are reading this and is from Taiwan, then you probably remember the 九二一大地震 (Earthquake of Sept 21st, 1999). The epic center were in 埔里, 台中縣, where LYMT Taiwan headquarter located. The headquarter completely collapsed (it was way grander then LYMT Canada) and yet no 師父 were harmed while they were sleeping. So, did 老和尚 choose the opening date on purpose? You tell me.

Now 9 years have passed, aside from the main hall since 1999, the temple now include two dormitories and a study hall, and hosts 40 師父 (all 比丘尼). Future vision of the expansion would add another array of facilities that would dwarf the current ones.

From LYMT Lifted

Now with history aside... finally time to my own progress of the Buddhism since then. Bringing the time line back to 12 years ago. With my parents continuing involvement LYMT, I was brought to various of 法會 (ceremonies) by hosted by them (at the time, the location of ceremonies were rented, at one point we were having the 法會 in one of the churches..most interesting sight indeed). As an "educated" person brought up in Canada, I naturally have doubts of a foreign beliefs that were introduced to me. Especially when I participated in the ceremonies of LYMT where the event mainly involve with continuous recitation of 佛Buddha/菩薩Bodhisattva's name (This is the method of cultivation of 淨土宗, pure land sect, of the remaining 8 sects in China). Heck, why am I doing this?! Do you seriously believe that by chanting 阿彌陀佛(Amitabha Buddha, founder of Buddhism)'s name you will reach 西方極樂世界 (Western Blissed Land aka Heaven)in your afterlife? HA never!

Honestly, thoughts like that has been on my mind for quite sometime. Throughout the years though, as my knowledge of Buddhism continue to grow (mainly from my father, he does his readings on Buddhism sutras on spare time, and would actively share his knowledge of Buddhism to his friends whenever they come to visit). My changing perspective and thirst for more knowledge drew me back to the temple again 2 years ago. I then joined the translation group until this date (granted I was MIA from time to time :/). The studies and discussion done in translation group were really stimulating and helps me better understand what is Buddhism. At least I now understand the misconception I had with 淨土宗. The Western Blissed Land is not the END of the path, it's merely a realm created by Amitabha Buddha where there will be no suffering and everlasting peace & happiness, where we would continue our cultivation attend the path of enlightenment. Furthermore, in order for your chanting to be heard, the chanting of the Buddha's name require you do it with pure mind, without evil intent nor desire. Attending that state would not be an easy task.

To me, I am currently standing at a borderline of Buddhism, I am inspired to learn about its ways, but not actually practice it. Perhaps I am simply not yet ready. To 斷欲去愛,識自心緣。達佛深理,悟無違法。內無所得,外無所求。心不繫道,亦不結業。無念無作,非修非證。不歷諸位,而自崇最,名之為道。-佛說四十二章經 (第二章). Nevertheless, I believe I still gained much through the studies I have done, to better understand myself, of my behaviors and reasoning behind them. The side effect is though... I am losing my feeling to girls (no more burning desire to find a girlfriend haha).. who knows, maybe I'm just getting older or the circumstance of my life caused it.

Phew, whoever made it to here! Good for you and thanks for reading the article!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First portrait session

*Bleh, my photo links keep on disappearing because I have sync the Web Album..

So, on Saturday I had the wonderful opportunity of shooting for my friend, William and his fiancee Irene. This will be the gift for their engagement/wedding. And the photos I shoot will be on the slideshow during their wedding! As this was the first formal portrait shoot ever for me since I started DSLR, to say I had the pressure is an understatement!!

To be prepared for the coming date, I had went over all over most of the works of my favourite wedding photographers (ie. Hasass & Albert Chou), scramble to test out working of flashes as fills, and several visits to the potential sites that I will shooting. The day has come, we started early as morning light is softer and is angled for easier manipulation. We encountered problems immediately as the site I have chosen was blockaded off by the policy for a emergency situation.

So I choose the next best alternative for the shots I wanted in a nearby location. The beginning was very rough, as I was very nervous and the couple were not used to me in their way.

From William & Irene Engagement

But as we arrive in the location in second set, Minoru Park, things got alot better, by this time I am much more at ease with shooting portraits and the couple really were great with each other, most of the time I would just ask them to be in the location where I want them to be, and a few postures I would like to see, they would start from there.
From William & Irene Engagement

From William & Irene Engagement

Also, I have tried a couple Story telling sets on several spots
From William & Irene Engagement
The couple watched the bride and groom stepping out from the Chapel
From William & Irene Engagement
William can't wait to drag Irene to Chapel afterward

From William & Irene Engagement
The couple playing hide and seek

From William & Irene Engagement
Fun continues

Overall, I am rather satisfied with the results of first day, despite some heavy criticism from some of my friends about engagement photos should be about love not child play. I still believe this captured the couple's fun characters. In the future, I will have to pay alot more attention to the postures and minor details of the couple. Afterall, portraits is new and a foreign territory for me.

PS. The second shoot at dusk actually went very wrong, I wasn't able to coupe with the dominate light of dusk, and the couple's dress were way to casual to work with.
I should avoid dusk as part of my set until I'm able to figure how to make use the light.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lost in my work

For the last 5 months, I have posted 73 albums and over 1000 photos on Picasa, the actuation of my 40D has reached 110k since Dec. 2007.... Ya, I have taken alot of photos and I'm proud to say my skills in photography has improved steadily (both composition and post processing). Checkout the photos I have picked for the green club I joined. Or my first half 2008 picks

However, when I asked a friend of mine to check out my 2007 picked album, he provided a very important insight that I wholeheartly agree on. "... Your 2008 pics had better images over all, prettier ones to be sure. This album is much more personal and has deeper meaning. The other one has pretty pictures, this one is much more thought provoking. I love the captions you added to share a piece of your thought/emotion. ..."

Yup, I have made myself technically a better photographer.. but have I lost the inner drive that made me started photography at first place? Am I going to be fall in the same fate as many of the "pro" photographers who lost their passion after doing it so much?

I hope not! :P

無常, 業火, 道德 (1 month later)

Once again, I left this blog untouched for months... :/

I had a post that I wish to post but forgot to, it's about the fire I had experienced in first hand back in end of July, quite a shocking and traumatic experience (more so for the families involved).

Below is the recap of what I have drafted in my album:

From 無常, 業火, 道德

This is probablly one of my most shocking moment in my life, I'm put this album togegther not just for people to view but actually hoping to serve as a reminder to me and those who see this life can be so unpredictable and terrible things can happen so quickly.

On 3:30am on Saturday morning, I was awoken by the increasing loud cracking noises which I initiatially thought was rain and my room is turning orange bright. When I look out the window I saw the house in front of me is bright on fire... I fumbled for phone to dial 911 and ask for help of fire department. During my panic and some confusing moment, I grabbed my camera, and my dogs out to the car and drove to a safe distance from the scene... then I continue to take photos... the fire quickly engulfed first house and jumped on the trees on the side to the roof of the neighbour. The fire went on for almost an hour before it got under control, by the time, both house are destoried and 2nd house's owners were just standing there helplessly watching their house destoried by the fire. The first house's resident wasn't so lucky.... the children were taken by ambulance due to suffication to the smokes. I later found out a few heros who passed by resuced the mother & children from 2nd floor strained on second floor.

Early next morning an fire investigator came to my house and asked for information of what I saw, I relay what I saw and went to scene with him to go describe in detail what I saw fire originated. I gave him all the photos I have and he told me it was a very usful evidence about how & where fire started. Ever since then... I'm actually became quite confused and questioned my own behavior during that night. If I didn't grab my camera... cloud I have been more helpful? Am I morally correct in trying to take down all these photos?? Damn I'm confused...