Monday, October 20, 2008

Reflection of a week-long assignment

Haha.. I think I'm turning this blog into a religious blog soon :P

From LYMT 觀音法會
Outside of the Mainhall, where ceremony taken place

From LYMT 觀音法會
釋迦牟尼佛 (Shakyamuni Buddha, founder of Buddhism, or 世尊) in the center, 摩訶迦葉尊者 (Mahakayapa) and 阿難尊者(ananda) standing beside the 世尊 (world honored one).

For the past week since Tuesday, I had been working on an assignment for the temple to document one of its annual event, 觀音法會, a 7 day retreat dedicated to Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva (Contemplator of Worldly Sound). Although the ceremony that are being held everyday is the same, the content of offering to Bodhisattva changes everyday. So for this assignment I spent 6 days (I started on second day) on one location (main hall of the temple) shooting repeated events and subjects that are being offered at mostly same time everyday.

From LYMT 觀音法會
Day 2 供花 (Offering of Flowers)
From LYMT 觀音法會
Day 3 供燈 (Offering of Lanterns)
From LYMT 觀音法會
Day 4 供果 (Offering of Fruits)
From LYMT 觀音法會
Day 5 供食,衣,塗 (Offering of clothing, food, fragrance)
From LYMT 觀音法會
Day 6 供珠寶 (Offering of Jewelries)
From LYMT 觀音法會
Day 7 供法寶 (Offering of Sutras)

I suppose some people may find this boring job, but to the contrary, I really believed that this has made me a better photographer. Last week a friend had told me a story which details a photography student seeking advices from a master photographer. What the master told the student to perform a photo shoot in an area repeatingly until the student came up with one or two photos that is top quality. The story rings so true in the situation I faced :). To keep me interested and present best work possible to the temple, I made sure that I would use different lens combination, different angle, different approach to shoot the event everyday.

Obviously, I eventually came to a combination that worked best in the situation. Nevertheless, I gained much experience and I hope the temple liked my work for them as well. Overall, I have made progress in both photography and deeper understanding of what LYMT do. I'm glad~

From LYMT 觀音法會
Empty hall
From LYMT 觀音法會
One of musical instrument used by masters in the temple to guide the recitation
From LYMT 觀音法會

From LYMT 觀音法會

From LYMT 觀音法會
The "under" perspective
From LYMT 觀音法會


Unknown said...

Great photos. Each one definitely tells a story and makes me feel like I was there all 6 days. Thanks for sharing

Alexander S. Kunz said...

I have to say that I can appreciate the quality of these good photos a lot more in this condensed summary/selection (compared to the more extensive presentation in your web album). Good photos & a nice selection. Thanks for sharing!

Joe Kuo said...

Thx ;)
I agree with you Alex.

Unknown said...
