Saturday, November 15, 2008

8/10.. Not bad

As I walked through the city hall today, I found 8 out of the 10 photos I have submitted for the photo banner contest are being displayed as the top 100 "finalists".
After browsing through the rest of the competition, I'm the person with most entries being selected. That's a good sign I hope =), it's quite a sight to see all the photos lined up with my names under there HA!

The winners (8-10 photos will be selected) of the contest will have their artwork displayed in banner form on the streets of the city for a year! I think I have a almost 1/10 of the chance of being selected as probability goes =)

Here are the photos that made it


From Beautiful Richmond

From Beautiful Richmond

Peace and Nature
From Beautiful Richmond

Dance of Shadows
From Beautiful Richmond

Limitless Revolution
From Beautiful Richmond

Rails to Light
From Beautiful Richmond

Cold Dusk

From Beautiful Richmond

From Beautiful Richmond


Unknown said...

Woo hoo! Good shots indeed! Wow, you are gonna be famous if one of them gets picked! Then I might have to go visit you and see these banners. Good luck!

Alexander S. Kunz said...

Congratulations and good luck for the final contest! Is it pure coincidence that all of these photos are in portrait orientation? Anyway. A good choice, I already saw your album on Picasa Web and these shots are simply great.

Joe Kuo said...

Thanks guys ^^

Ya, Alex, I did choose portrait orientations for the reason of the contest. Although the contest did not require this, I did my homework and found landscape style is not really favourited on previous years.. XD

Unknown said...

Man... taking good portrait photos of landscapes (man isn't that one confusing) is hard for me... I need more of those :\