Thursday, November 29, 2007

Painting with Photo

Ever try to image your viewfinder as the canvas and try to "paint a photo"? I explore the idea of color & line in this series of photos

Sunday, November 25, 2007

First time...

Today, I went to see the Santa Claus parade in downtown, I was amazed by the amount of people showed up and the size of the parade. Yes, it's my first time in years.

Come to think of it, this year marks many of my first time in my life... first time been to many places, first time seeing snow geese, first time going on road trip just for sake of going, etc.

Well, I am glad that this hobby is changing things in my life. For that alone, I think it is worth it.

Friday, November 23, 2007

The angle

When taking a photo, ever tried a little bit of twist on your camera? Maybe you will find a totally new perspective to your world =)

By tilting my camera, I allowed the shadows of tree projected to different corners of the shot.

Through aligning the top of my viewfinder with the bridge itself, I created an light space on the bottom of photo.

From Walk on Vanco...

Again, through tilting, I allowed the curve lines to enter & exit at the same side of the photo.

Be fun & creative!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Orton Effect

Thanks to Tony for letting me know about this technique. Looks familiar isn't it, you should have seen this effect being used on many portrait shots (especially Asian Wedding Portraits).

Check out this link for how it is done!

PS. My mom looked alot younger =D,

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Art & Photography

Today, Tony H introduced me with the term "Orton Effect" in photography. You must have seen it many many times already, it's a common technique used by wedding photographers which makes surreal effect that make bride & groom glow under photo. Anyway upon more research done on this technique, I stumble upon website of a long time pro photographer , Freeman Patterson who has 40+ years of experience in photography and won countless awards through out the years. Included on his website is a page describing his thought on photography & arts.

"Every artist is, first of all, a craftperson thoroughly knowledgeable about the materials, tools, and techniques of his or her particular medium and skilled in using many of them.

However, in my view, no amount of technical knowledge and competence is, of itself, sufficient to make a craftperson into an artist. That requires caring -- passionate caring about ultimate things. For me there is a close connection between art and religion in the sense that both are concerned about questions of meaning -- if not about the meaning of existence generally, then certainly about the meaning of one's individual life and how a person relates to his or her total community/environment. This is not to say that every work of art is or should be a heavily profound statement, indeed many may be very light-hearted, but rather that consciously and unconsciously an artist engaged in serious work is always raising or dealing with the question: "What really matters?""
- Freeman Patterson

This really illustrated how I felt about photography, as a mean and not the result to art.

Thoughts about photography

Today, as I was performing my usualy routine of virtually framing at pedestrians passed by while driving down on the street. I suddenly have a flash back, about a comment I made about this photography hobby...

Couple of months ago, when I was having dinner with one of my professor, I showed him my new DSLR gears (it was new back then :)) and discussed various things about photography, he was quite into film photography as well. At one point he asked me what I think about this new hobby of mine, I said to him "the only thing I'm regretting about my new hobby is that why didn't I learn about it sooner. I had been doing photography all my life through my eyes and now I finally have the medium to capture them."

That's what I said and I will say it again without hesitation.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Tiny, once we were

From Baby Nephew II

Today, when shooting a series of creative shots for my baby nephew Theodore with his dad Tony, I can't help but to feel how tiny he was... so we all were this small once upon of time... so much has changed since then. Our size, our innocence...

Diffused sun

Friendly advice to all fellow photographers, whenever you see sun is being covered by a thin layer of cloud (not just a cloud passing under the sun, but constantly masked by clouds) GO TAKE some shots!! Sunlight diffused by cloud makes a perfect light source without creating contrasty images. ;)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Making photo out of Ordinary

I always believed that a true photographer processes the ability to turn something ordinary into something special, unique and breathtaking.

Here is my attempt at such concept... not too happy about it though.

Absolute Darkness

Ever try to keep your eyes open for a long period of time under darkness? Your eyes started to see things out of darkness, some weird spectrum of light just like the polar light you see on TV. Very strange experience indeed. Try it sometime :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Animal empathy

From Momoko

Took several shots of mom with Momoko yesterday, my mom has this ability to clam the most of animals she met. I guess I carry some of that in me too :) My mom is the first person Momoko didn't bark to at first sight!

Crying Clown

As I make my way to my car after taking some shots in Kerrisdale, I pass by a display where of a picture clown crying sitting on a chair. I stopped and backtracked to the display to take this shot. It reminds me of a Chinese song 小丑. I guess many people hide their sadness with a grin on their face. At least I do..


I can't help but laugh at this photo as my nephew Vijay trying hard to blow his mouth to create *plurrrr* noise. Ah... simple joy...

My darker half

From Dusk yet again

As I was waiting for the ship to sail into the position of dusk, my thoughts started to wander and the feeling emptiness creep into me once again. I'm alone... but at least this time my shadow is with me, just as the sail boat.

Sky is crying

From City Landscapes

I don't know, I felt odd when I stood in the rain taking this shot... Maybe someday in the future, the skylines will be so tall that I will not be able to see the sky from where I am standing anymore... Maybe I won't see it in my days, but what about my children or their children?